User access to Activity Monitor

  • Hi All,

    We have a few 'superusers' who need the ability from time to time to see who's connected to their database.

    I do not want to GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE ON 'login' as this seems overkill for what they need.

    The tsql below will give them exactly what they want. But when either user executes the sp, it only returns their connection info. I presume additional permissions are required to read other users metadata?

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Get_ActivityMonitor_Info]


    SELECT spid, status, LogiName, HostName, Blocked, db_name(dbid) AS 'DatabaseName', CMD

    FROM master..sysprocesses

    WHERE db_name(dbid) = 'db_name'

    At the moment they have select permissions on the sys.sysprocesses table and obviously execute permissions on the sp.

    I'm sure there's better ways of going about this based on least privilege. I would be grateful for your ideas.

  • Try context switching...

    Using EXECUTE AS in Modules

  • Thanks Dev.

    I was looking into this when you replied. Any idea what permissions I would need to grant to allow a login to see other user processes in Activity monitor?

  • Shabba (12/8/2011)

    Thanks Dev.

    I was looking into this when you replied. Any idea what permissions I would need to grant to allow a login to see other user processes in Activity monitor?

    You don't need to provide any extra privilege to user who is going to execute this procedure. EXECUTE permission on procedure is sufficient. But the procedure should run in the User's context that has sufficient permissions. It's safe to use sa or equivalent user's context here because it's scope is very limited i.e. within procedure with limited query.

  • Shabba (12/8/2011)

    Thanks Dev.

    I was looking into this when you replied. Any idea what permissions I would need to grant to allow a login to see other user processes in Activity monitor?

    To allow the Activity Monitor UI to function GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE to the login that wants to launch it.

    For the homegrown proc solution you have looked into it requires instance-level permissions which means EXECUTE AS comes with lots of baggage when it comes to impersonation. Instead of EXECUTE AS I would recommend signing the proc with a certificate and granting EXEC to whoever needs the proc.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • You give this script to them to execute and get the detailed infio they required


  • Thanks everyone for your advice.

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