User already exists! After backup restore

  • Hi,

    I restored a backup in other server, and when I configuered to access the restored database, I receive the msg: Error 15023: User or role 'USER' already exists in the current database.

    Anybody knows how to fix that?

  • Try

    USE dbanme


    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix'


    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • what happens is that you restored a database with defined users in it but are not defined under SQL Server's. To see which database users have no corresponding sql server logins, exec sp_change_users_login 'report'.

    To fix, run these:

    use database_name_here


    exec sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix', 'username_you_are_trying_to_fix'




    I restored a backup in other server, and when I configuered to access the restored database, I receive the msg: Error 15023: User or role 'USER' already exists in the current database.

    Anybody knows how to fix that?

  • Thank you very very much... I have been looking at this today and could not get an answer from Help, Microsoft or any one else who knows me 🙂

    If you are ever in the UK look up focusdk and I will buy you a beer.


    what happens is that you restored a database with defined users in it but are not defined under SQL Server's. To see which database users have no corresponding sql server logins, exec sp_change_users_login 'report'.

    To fix, run these:

    use database_name_here


    exec sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix', 'username_you_are_trying_to_fix'




    I restored a backup in other server, and when I configuered to access the restored database, I receive the msg: Error 15023: User or role 'USER' already exists in the current database.

    Anybody knows how to fix that?


    Your only jealous because the voices are talking to me!!!


    Your only jealous because the voices are talking to me!!!

  • I was also facing this problem for a long time and thanks for this tip. I will try immediately.

    I worked around eachtime as follows(which is not a good way of handling, I guess. But it worked).

    sp_dropuser 'username_you_are_trying_to_fix'

    execute sp_grantdbaccess @loginame='username_you_are_trying_to_fix', @name_in_db='particular_db'



  • Sp_dropuser will cause you to lose any permissions assigned to the user (should be assigned to the role anyway!). One other note, sp_dropuser has been deprecated by MS, the preferred method is sp_revokedbaccess. If you look in the code sp_dropuser just calls sp_revokedbaccess anyway!


  • Ricky,

    You have another beer waiting for you in Oklahoma City, OK!


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