User does not exist????????

  • Hi there, I have a user who recently got married and her last name got changed.  Her windows username has therefore changed.  I tried to give her new username access to the database and I get the following error:

    Error 15401: Windows NT user or group 'DomainName\NewUsername' not found.  Check the name again.

    And also, she is still able to log in to the databases under her old username.  Well, she logs in to her computer with the new username, and then connects through QA using Windows Authentication to the databases that have the old username.  What is going on here??????????????????

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • It sounds like you use windows trusted connection to SQL Server. If that is the case, you do nothing.

  • Make sure your domain administrator have changed her last name first in windows user account.

    After that, drop her old account ( or just denied it in case you'll need the permission information ) and give the new windows user access to the database.


  • The domain admin probably just renamed her account, so the SID is unchanged.  That SID is stored in master..sysxlogins, which also remains unchanged. That's why the "new" user id has access to SQL Server. If you do as Hendra said, that should clean things up for you.


  • Hi everyone, thanks for your help.  I am not sure what you mean by

    "Make sure your domain administrator have changed her last name first in windows user account. "

    Her username has been changed already on the windows level, if thats what you mean.  I am not a sys admin, so I am probably misunderstanding what you said, can you please explain it a little more?  Thank you.

  • I ran into this exact situation a couple months ago.  Before you can add the user to any new access or change any existing acces you must completely remove her user ID from all databases then the server.  Then add her back in with new ID.  I ensured her continued access during the process by giving a windows group that she was a member of (with new window login) to all the current access she has. 

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