user SID

  • This is going to be a strange question. When you create a user account a SID is created in the sysxlogins table. If you delete that user, will that SID ever be used again?

    Example. you add user "bob" (SQL Logon). you delete "bob". Will the SID that was associated with "bob" EVER be used again?

    Thanks in advance,

  • If you let the system generate the SID, it will be a GUID (as it is generated by NEWID()), so system-generated SIDs should never be the same. On the other hand, you can override this behavior by choosing the SID when you run sp_addlogin, which would permit the re-use of a SID (that's to allow you to move logins from one server to another).



  • Thanks for the help. You just gave me the answer I was needing.

    Take care,

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