User stored procedures marked as system object

  • If i will mark User stored procedures as system procedures and keep it in master database

    will it gives any performance boost or is there any disadvantages.

    I am searching in google, i am not getting proper results, can any one please let me know the proc & cons of this..

    Thanks in advance.


  • It is not advisable to put anything like user proc on master; instead you can create new database and store stored procedures. Also it is not a good idea to mark user stored rpocedures as system proc as it will not improve the performance but creat confusion.

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • free_mascot (4/4/2014)

    It is not advisable to put anything like user proc on master; instead you can create new database and store stored procedures. Also it is not a good idea to mark user stored procedures as system proc as it will not improve the performance but create confusion.

    Thanks a lot..

    I have doubt

    after i ran all procedures into master database and then i am executing a procedure from one database context, it will generate a execution plan, where it will get saved and as well

    if i am not wrong all temp tables will create in a temp db with a database context..

    is it right or wrong..

    please give your replies..


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