UserDatabase Integrity check fail - Operator system error 1453

  • I've been running the Ola Hallengren maintenance script for the last five months without missing a beat. Today I find an error stating the UserDatabase Integrity check job failed last night. This is running on SQL Server 2014 BI edition w/64 Gigs.

    I ran a DBCC CHECKDB on each database manually and all worked until I tried it on the biggest one that is about 18 gbs. It just keeps running and I eventually stopped it so I'm guessing it is memory, but doesn't make sense considering it has 64 gbs. I have it set to 64/4 max / min. Again, this was never an issue until last night.

    I've been looking up all morning, but not seeing much on this error "The operating system returned error 1453"?

    Nothing new to system as of late so this is interesting.

    Anyone run into this before? Thanks!

  • hi butcherking13,

    I haven't run into this issue before but, I will see if I can offer some advice. First, are you running this in a physical or virtual environment?

    Max server memory in SQL Server should be set to allow a little bit of memory for the operating system. How much depends on the amount of non-sql related applications running concurrently on the system as well as standard operating system processes.

    For example, on a SQL Server with 64Gb of RAM and little to no applications installed on the server, I would leave 10% or 6.4 Gb of RAM for the operating system. I would, therefore, probably set my Max Server Memory to 57Gb and Minimum SQL Server memory to half the total system memory or 32Gb.

    I did a quick search online and found an article relating to a virtual SQL Server where they were having a similar issue:

    To get more information, I would highly recommend installing the following:


    once you have installed this, run the DBCC Check on the database in question. While it's running, execute the stored proc and check what the particular process is waiting on in the wait_info column.

    To get a little more in depth information regarding any memory contention, you could download a set of scripts from Glen Berry and run through the memory sections to see what may be going on:

    Assuming these steps do not turn up results, you may need to resort to troubleshooting at the OS/VM level.

    Let me know how this works out!


  • Thanks for your suggestions and it is a physical server. I continued to research and I seem to keep going back to the physical hardware itself, but it will be easier to find out tomorrow once I get in the building. I'm not able to remote into the server at this point, which is not normal.

    I will definitely follow up and reply with more tomorrow once I investigate.


  • Actually to correct my original post, the Min/Max settings are 60/4.

  • So it turned out my hunch was correct and it was the actual server itself. It froze up for whatever reason. The system Admin rebooted it and it is fine.


  • No problem! Glad you got everything figured out and it was a simple fix! 🙂


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