Users cannot view anything in Reports directory

  • Hi there.

    I'm quite new to Reporting Services and am trying to get something running without too much effort. I'm trying to show how the product can be very useful to our firm.

    I've followed Brian Knight's article on "Designing Your First Report in SQL Server Reporting Services". Possibly the only difference is that I'm using an evaluation version of Reporting Services.

    I've installed the server components on machine A and the client components in my machine (machine B). I can create an example report, preview it on my development machine and deploy it to machine B. I can even view it via my browser.

    What I cannot seem to do is have another user view it from a browser. When they try it, all they see is the Home page with nothing in it. However, if I ask a collegue to try it (who is also a domain admin), it works.

    I have played around with the roles but it doesn't seem to matter.

    On machine B, the virtual directory is set up with Windows Integrated security.

    What am I missing here? Does a user need to be able to login to machine B for this to work?

  • I think that by default  Builtin\Administrators can see the directory.  If the user you wish to view the report is not an administrator, you will need to add either the users 'domain account' to the security for the directory you wish him to view or all Domain users. Depends how open you want the security  to be and give them the browser role.

    Hope this helps


    Andrew Barton

  • Thanks for the response, Andrew. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to make a difference.

    I already had Everyone with Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read security permissions on the actual file system directory which my virtual directory points to. I even went ahead and gave my user group Full Control to this same directory. No difference!

    I must be missing something obvious here but for the life of me, I can't resolve it. All I know for sure is that members of Domain Admins can see the reports. Nobody else can.

    One strange thing ... I can't figure out where my deployed reports are going. I don't see them anywhere on the deployment server (which previously referred to as machine A).

  • Update ... I figured out the problem and it was my own fault!

    It turns out that I was setting up the Role Assignments at the report folder level only when I should have been doing it at the Home level. Once I added the correct User Group with Browser access to Home, all was well. (I still needed to add them to the report folders too.)

    So, in the end, I didn't need to play around with any other security to make this work.

  • Also don't forget that if you want one Information Consumer to see a certain private set of reports, and another to do the same, create subfolders and lock the folder down to just those users/groups with browser role.


    Now if I could just get my subscriptions working.

  • JT,

    What kind of problem are you having with subscriptions? I have another e-mail thread going from yesterday in which I describe a subscription problem I'm having.

    My subscription is supposed to e-mail a report. The job is being run okay but no message is being delivered (from what I can see).

    - Mike

  • I'm having a similar issue, but my job doesn't run. I get the following error on SQL Sevrer Job Logs:

    Unable to perform a SETUSER to the requested username '' because the username is invalid for database 'master'.  The step failed.

    I haven't had the time to research the issue yet.

  • We had a server crash and had to rebuild everything and ever since then Reporting Services jobs have been failing with the same SETUSER error.  I've changed SQL permissions until there is nothing left to change--even setting accounts as sysadmin didn't help.  I'm looking at it again, but so far no luck.  Anyone else, been there?


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