using a selected value in join tablename

  • does anyone know how or if I can accomplish the following?

    SELECT s.ShowID, sd.ContactName, sd.ContactEmail, s.datasource

    FROM show s

    INNER JOIN [s.datasource].dbo.Showdetails sd

     ON s.showid = sd.showid

    where sd.SendNightlyEmail = 1

    Basically I'm trying to join to a different sql database based on the datasource value that is returned in the select column... Is this possible?

  • in general, yes.  


    @strSQL nvarchar(1000)

    ,@dataSource varchar(100)

    SET @dataSource = 'SomeDB'

    SELECT @strSQL = 'SELECT s.ShowID, sd.ContactName, sd.ContactEmail, @dataSource

    FROM show s

    INNER JOIN [' + @dataSource + '].[dbo].[Showdetails] sd

    ON s.showid = sd.showid

    where sd.SendNightlyEmail = 1'

    EXEC sp_executesql @strSQL


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • This might work better :


    @strSQL nvarchar(1000)

    ,@dataSource varchar(100)

    SET @dataSource = 'SomeDB'

    SELECT @strSQL = 'SELECT s.ShowID, sd.ContactName, sd.ContactEmail, ' + @dataSource + '

    FROM show s

    INNER JOIN [' + @dataSource + '].[dbo].[Showdetails] sd

    ON s.showid = sd.showid

    where sd.SendNightlyEmail = 1'

    EXEC sp_executesql @strSQL

  • Yep, that will probably work better, now I'll go stand in the corner for a few minutes. *GRIN*


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • If you insist, but just remember that I didn't put you there!

  • I'm well aware that it's all me... LOL


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

    If you follow the direction given HERE[/url] you'll likely increase the number and quality of responses you get to your question.

    Jason L. Selburg
  • the solutions have me setting a datasource variable, what i'm trying to accomplish is that one of the selected columns (s.datasource) in the first table contains the database to be used for the join.

  • You would need to alter

    SET @dataSource = 'SomeDB'


    SET @datasource = (SELECT ColumnContainingDatabaseName

                                FROM TableContainingDatabaseName

                                WHERE CriteriaForDatabaseName


    Normal chaos will be resumed as soon as possible. :crazy:

  • the problem is that this query returns multiple rows, the join needs to be dynamic based on what the current row is returning in the first table... maybe this isn't possible and I need to handle it inside my programming language of choice.

  • Everything is possible in SQL. Only need some work.

    Approach 1: Already U know how U can use Dynamic SQL for the purpose.

    Approach 2: If U have to use another db frequently, why not U make a Linked Server and then use it as simple query.

  • I think I've already show how Dynamic SQL is not the answer in this case. This is a database on the same server, no need for linked servers. Once again, the query from the first table in the join returns multiple records, therefore i cannot just set a variable before i run the SQL.

  • Providing you do not exceed 4000 chars try

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)

    SET @strSQL = ''

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'SELECT s.ShowID,sd.ContactName,sd.ContactEmail,' + [dataSource] + ' FROM show s INNER JOIN [' + [dataSource] + '].[dbo].[Showdetails] sd ON s.showid=sd.showid WHERE sd.SendNightlyEmail=1;'

    FROM show

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

    Otherwise use a cursor

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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