Using a SP to load a temp table ...

  • this one has me puzzled, so I'll ask the experts. Kinda hard to explain: I'm calling an SP that calls another SP which populates a temp table [INSERT into #data_tmp EXEC usp_mytest]. Works fine when done once, but performance crawls when done back to back in same SP.


    CREATE PROC usp_test1



    create table #data_tmp

    (row_id int not null, description char(60) not null )

    INSERT INTO #data_tmp

    EXEC usp_test2

    INSERT INTO #data_tmp

    EXEC usp_test3

    select * from #data_tmp


    I can mail sample code to anyone who can help.

    Curtis Smith

    App. Dev. Manager, DBA

    Edited by - on 07/29/2003 3:16:53 PM

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

  • Can you post the error?

    Usually temp tables created in an sp are deleted after the execution of it.

    But is not bad to add an IF EXISTS DROP TABLE clause to be sure.

    Maybe it isn't droping the #table.

  • Check for recompiles on sp.

    "We" always drop temp tables explicitly.

    If it is recompiles have a look at

  • the problem isn't with dropping the table, and I'm not getting an error. performance just slows down. [will check for recompiles, though] I have two SP's that basically return the same data structure. what I'm doing is calling those to load a temp table with the results of both SP's and returning the combined data.

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

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