using access query into sql view HELP!

  • Hi, I'm trying to use the query in sql

    how do i do this.

    I want to represent the words ie. Long term

    SELECT IIf([CurrentSickTerm]="LT","Long Term","Short Term") AS SickTerm


  • There is no immediate if statement in TSQL. You'll need to create some other mechanism, probably a CASE statement to get the same effect.

    SELECT CASE WHEN CurrentSickTerm= 'LT'

    THEN 'Long Term'

    ELSE 'Short Term' END AS ColumnName

    FROM dbo.ViewName

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • this works but i need to add another condition !

    SELECT CASE WHEN CurrentSickTerm= 'LT'THEN 'Long Term' ELSE if CurrentSickTerm= 'ST'THEN 'Short Term' else 'NULL' END AS ColumnNameFROM dbo.ViewName

    This does not work I need another way to write this

    Thanks Ritz

  • Check BOl for the CASE syntax. Try:


    CASE CurrentSickTerm

    WHEN 'LT' THEN 'Long Term'

    WHEN 'ST' THEN 'Short Term'

    WHEN 'MT' THEN 'Medium Term'

    ELSE 'Healthy'

    END AS SickTerm

    FROM dbo.ViewName

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