Using computed Columns to Create another Computed Column

  • Hi,

    Can we used the Computed Columns to create another computed Column?


    Column A = B+C

    Column E = A+D

    We can use this like E = (B+C)+D?

    But we do we have any other option for this?



  • Hm.. Never tried that.. I bet it wouldn't be difficult to test..


  • No, you can't use a computed column as source for another computed column

    The main reason I think is circular reference, like this:

    A = B

    B = A

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • I figured you couldn't but it was simple enough to test yourself..


  • This is a pain as it make the compute code massive in my case so I made them UDF like below



    C = A+B

    D = SumABX(A,B)

    Function SumABX(A, B)


    return (a+b)*2


    This may help

  • Matthew Saggers-700210 (5/12/2016)

    This is a pain as it make the compute code massive in my case so I made them UDF like below



    C = A+B

    D = SumABX(A,B)

    Function SumABX(A, B)


    return (a+b)*2


    This may help

    why could you not just put the same calculation in as the calculated value? then you have a properly script-able table, with no dependencies to other functions

    the example of the function is probably not a trivial calculation like you demonstrated , but there's i'd prefer to be able to script the table for portability;

    CREATE TABLE #Example2(

    A int,

    B int,




    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Lowell, yes this is the way to go. I found when the compute is quite complex like

    A int

    B int

    c int

    D as A+B

    E as ((A+B) / c) / A+B

    F as D - (A+B)

    In my case I had 10 fields that where normal data and 20 computed fields with a mixture of the 10 and some of those computes like E where then used in other computes so having a function like SaleExTax(Sales, TaxRate) so it easier to read, also as it a value function I could use it in other stored procedures give us code reuse.

  • Just be aware that scalar udfs would prevent parallelism on all the queries they're used. A complex calculation won't have this problem.

    Luis C.
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  • Matthew Saggers-700210 (5/12/2016)

    Lowell, yes this is the way to go. I found when the compute is quite complex like

    A int

    B int

    c int

    D as A+B

    E as ((A+B) / c) / A+B

    F as D - (A+B)

    In my case I had 10 fields that where normal data and 20 computed fields with a mixture of the 10 and some of those computes like E where then used in other computes so having a function like SaleExTax(Sales, TaxRate) so it easier to read, also as it a value function I could use it in other stored procedures give us code reuse.

    You could also use a view, with CROSS APPLYs to supply the alias names. CAs can refer to earlier CA/alias names. Then use the view instead of the table name in all queries:

    CREATE VIEW <view_name>


    SELECT tn.*, ca1.*, ca2.*

    FROM table_name tn


    SELECT D = tn.A+tn.B

    ) AS ca1


    SELECT E = D / tn.c / tn.A+tn.B,

    F = D - tn.G

    ) AS ca2

    Edit: Put CREATE VIEW code into a SQL code block.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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