Using GetDate in HAVING clause

  • I have a table [UPSBatchInvNo] with column [BatchDate] formatted as 112621.

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar,CAST(LEFT(BatchDate, 2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(BatchDate, 3,2) + '/' + '20' + SUBSTRING(BatchDate, 5,2) as Date),101) AS BatchDate gives me expected result: 11/26/2021. Great.

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101) gives me expected results: 11/26/2021

    So why does this query net no results?


    CONVERT(varchar,CAST(LEFT(BatchDate, 2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(BatchDate, 3,2) + '/' + '20' + SUBSTRING(BatchDate, 5,2) as Date),101) AS BatchDate,

    Count(InvNo) AS OrderCount

    FROM [UPSBatchInvNo]

    GROUP By WhsID, BatchDate




  • The date could be converted without using string functions.  Also, the WHERE clause might be a more appropriate place to filter the rows.  Maybe something this

    declare @UPSBatchInvNot         table(WhsID             int,
    BatchDate int);

    insert @UPSBatchInvNot(WhsID, BatchDate) values
    (1, 112621);

    select u.whsID, v.calc_dt
    from @UPSBatchInvNot u
    cross apply (values (datefromparts(u.BatchDate%100+2000,
    u.BatchDate/100%100))) v(calc_dt)
    where v.calc_dt=cast(getdate() as date);
    whsID   calc_dt
    1 2021-11-26

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Are you using Access to write your queries? Shouldn't that HAVING clause be a WHERE clause?

    Why are you storing dates as text?

  • Because BatchDate is a string formatted as MMDDYY and you are trying to compare that to another string formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.  What you are expecting is that BatchDate in the HAVING clause is referencing your calculated value - it is not going to use that.

    If you want to only get those results for today - it should be done in the WHERE clause and you don't need to convert the BatchDate column.  Instead, use this:

    WHERE BatchDate = replace(convert(char(8), getdate(), 1), '/', '')

    Convert with format 1 returns MM/DD/YY - replace removes the dashes resulting in MMDDYY and for today that would be 112621.

    For your select, I am assuming you want an actual date - so add slashes or dashes and cast/convert:

    Declare @stringDate char(8) = '112621';
    Select cast(stuff(stuff(@stringDate, 5, 0, '/'), 3, 0, '/') As date);

    Caveat: this assumes a US English language and may not work appropriately if the values in BatchDate are not in MMDDYY format - or if the system is set to a different language.  That is why it would be much better to have a non-ambiguous format - either YYYYMMDD or YYYY-MM-DD.  Better yet, the column should be defined as a date data type and when populated (assuming this is from a file) that process should reformat to an appropriate value that can be implicitly converted.

    Another option would be a computed persisted column - using the above calculation.  Then - you don't need any conversions in code as you can query the computed column using normal date checking.

    Jeffrey Williams
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  • Thank you all! Great help!

  • >> I have a table [UPSBatchInvNo] with column [ batch_date] formatted as 112621.<<

    First of all, we prefer that people post DDL and not a narrative. We have no idea what data type this batch_date column is. But it sure as hell is not a DATE data type like it should be . What you've done is something the COBOL programmer would do; building a string!

    What is even worse is that this string you are building is not in ISO 8601 format, but some local dialect. The only format allowed in ANSI/ISO standard SQL is yyyy-mm-dd. Please notice the use of dashes and not slashes, the length of fields and their order.. We spent some time on the committee, making sure that a date could not be mistaken for any other string. You also don't seem to understand the order in which the clauses of a select statement are executed. The having clause would be executed after the group by. The order by clause technically computes your answer from a table into a local cursor, at some expense. Do the display formatting in the presentation layer, not in the query layer of your tiered architecture.

    What I think you meant to post is:



    batch_date DATE NOT NULL,


    SELECT warehouse_id, COUNT (inv_nbr) AS order_cnt

    FROM UPSBatchInv


    GROUP BY warehouse_id;

    Please post DDL and follow ANSI/ISO standards when asking for help. 

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