Using Group By and Case I need a column to output in all situations

  • Hi,

    Basically what I'm looking to do is sum data from a Cash Flow table and group by the Past and Future values. Problem though is I can't find a simple way to get it working when values only exist in Past or Future since I need both Past and Future rows to exist in all cases, just with zero values in the one where no data exists.

    Below is some SQL that may help demo what I'm needing:

    create table tmpCashFlow (AccountID Numeric(5,0), CFDate Datetime, Income Numeric(18,2))

    Insert into tmpCashFlow (AccountID,CFDate,Income) values



















    CREATE VIEW tmpCFRecap As

    select case when CFDate < getdate() then 'To Date' Else 'Remaining' end as Note,


    sum(Income) as SumIncome

    from tmpCashFlow

    group by case when CFDate < getdate() then 'To Date' Else 'Remaining' end,



    select * from tmpCFRecap where AccountID = 123

    select * from tmpCFRecap where AccountID = 125


    drop table tmpCashFlow

    drop view tmpCFRecap

    For AccountID 123 it shows both 'Remaining' and 'To Date', but for AccountID it only shows 'To Date' though I need it to also show both but with zero values if no data is present.

    I've tried every combination of joins I can come-up with to no avail along with a few other options. I'd rather not do unions since I know there's some way to do it in one select since I'm sure I've done this before. Any suggestions?

    Thanks --


  • I'm not sure if it's th fastes possible solution, but here's how I'd do it:

    Step 1: get the list of distinct AccountID's

    Step 2: Build a "master list" by cross referencing the each AccountID to the values 'Remaining' and 'To Date' and finally

    Step 3: using this "master list" as a right join to the actual data

    ; WITH acc_ids AS -- get a list of all AccountID's



    FROM tmpCFRecap

    ), notes AS -- build an auxiliary "table" holding all values required for the output


    SELECT 'Remaining' AS note UNION ALL

    SELECT 'To Date'

    ), base AS -- get the "base list" by assign each value of notes to each AccountID


    SELECT *

    FROM acc_ids

    CROSS JOIN notes


    -- final query using a left join from the "base list" to the actual values and assign 0.00 if no actual values are found




    ISNULL(tmpCFRecap.sumincome,0) AS sumincome

    FROM base


    ON base.AccountID=tmpCFRecap.AccountID

    AND base.note=tmpCFRecap.note

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