using if condition in sql 2000

  • i am unable to fetch the datas from define_mapping table and match the parameterid from table tblflightdata.

    whats my error can anyone help me out pls:)

    declare @pparameterid int,

    @pParametername varchar(50),

    @pparameter_name varchar(10),

    @pengine_position int,

    @pinteger_value int,

    @pfloat_value int,

    @pchar_value int

    declare @f_val varchar(50)

    declare @c_val varchar(50)

    declare @i_val varchar(50)

    declare @pParameterValue float

    declare @CruiseTimestamp datetime,

    @CruiseTimestampCsv varchar(50)

    select @CruiseTimestamp = alerttimestamp from [dbo].[tblflightalert]

    where alertid = 600210 and flightid = 900003

    set @CruiseTimestamp = dateadd(mi, -15, @CruiseTimestamp)

    set @CruiseTimestampCsv = convert(varchar(20), @CruiseTimestamp, 101) + ' ' + convert(varchar(10), @CruiseTimestamp, 108)

    declare kvar2 cursor for select parameterid, Parametername, parameter_name,

    engine_position, integer_value, float_value, char_value

    from dbo.define_mapping

    select @pparameterid = parameterid,

    @pParametername = Parametername,

    @pparameter_name = parameter_name,

    @pengine_position = engine_position,

    @pinteger_value = integer_value,

    @pfloat_value = float_value,

    @pchar_value = char_value from t_ecm_define_mapping

    select @CruiseTimestampCsv = ParameterTimestamp from tblflightdata

    where @pparameterid = ParameterId

    open kvar2

    fetch next from kvar2 into @pparameterid,







    while @@fetch_status = 0


    print @pparameterid

    print @pParametername

    print @pparameter_name

    print @pengine_position

    print @pinteger_value

    print @pfloat_value

    print @pchar_value

    select top 1 @pParameterValue = ParameterValue from tblflightdata

    where flightid = 900003 and @pparameterid = parameterid

    set @f_val = Null

    set @i_val = Null

    set @c_val = Null

    if @f_val = 1

    set @f_val = @pParameterValue


    insert into [ISMS].[dbo].[t_ecm_aircraftinput]([aircraft_id], [Flight_phase], [flight_datetime], [parameter_name], [integer_value], [float_value], [char_value] )

    VALUES('"AP-BEQ"', '"CRUISE"', @CruiseTimestampCsv, @pparameter_name,@i_val,@f_val,@c_val)



    if @i_val = 1


    insert into [ISMS].[dbo].[t_ecm_engineinput]([aircraft_id], [engine_position], [Flight_phase], [flight_datetime], [parameter_name], [integer_value], [float_value], [char_value] )

    VALUES('"AP-BEQ"', @pengine_position, '"CRUISE"', @CruiseTimestampCsv, @pparameter_name,@i_val,@f_val,@c_val)


    fetch next from kvar2 into @pparameterid,








    close kvar2

    deallocate kvar2


  • Your problem probably has to do with the blue/italic code below. Because of the blue/bold code (setting the _val variables to null) means the red/italic code never runs.

    set @f_val = Null

    set @i_val = Null

    set @c_val = Null

    if @f_val = 1

    set @f_val = @pParameterValue


    insert into [ISMS].[dbo].[t_ecm_aircraftinput]






















    if @i_val = 1


    insert into [ISMS].[dbo].[t_ecm_engineinput]























    If the colors don't show I apologize. This is the first time I tried using the coloring on the forum.:unsure:

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help
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  • sorry i am not dealing with colors

    i am tryin to match parameterid of the first table to second table

    if the datas are int i convert it to int and place it to a variable so that i can call that variable in the 3rd table

    thank you

  • salinasalina2001 (2/29/2008)

    sorry i am not dealing with colors

    i am tryin to match parameterid of the first table to second table

    if the datas are int i convert it to int and place it to a variable so that i can call that variable in the 3rd table

    thank you

    I am not dealing with colors either. I tried to use the color tags in the forum to highlight the sections of code that I think are causing your problem. If you read my original post and look at the BOLD section you will see that you are setting the variables to NULL then using them in an IF statement. Becasue of this the code that is in ITALICS will never run.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help
    Need an Answer? Actually, No ... You Need a Question

  • Thank you Jack Corbett

    i got it,

    can you please tell me how to assign a string to a column Name


    if the parameterid to be "parameterid"

    and how to use the break and continue in this procedure

    because when i use the break at last statement near the end ofthe cursor it takes only the first value and nothing is displayed

    thank you again

  • I'm not sure what you mean by "assign a string to a column name". Do you mean you want to dynamically select the columns based on a parameter? For example:

    If @parameter = 'Jack'


    Set @column_name = 'FirstName'




    Set @column_name = 'LastName'






    If this is what you want to do, you need to use dynamic SQL like this:

    Declare @sql varchar(8000)

    Set @sql = 'Select '

    If @parameter = 'Jack'


    Set @sql = @sql + 'FirstName '




    Set @sql = @sql + 'LastName '


    Set @sql = @sql + 'From table1'

    Exec (@sql)

    Have never really used Break and Continue in SQL Server. Look them up in Books on Line. I do know that if you do the Break within the cursor loop it will stop iterating through the cursor when you hit it.

    Best Practices in SQL Server are to use cursors as little as possible as they are more resource intensive and slower than set-based solutions. If you were to post what you need to accomplish with the table schemas and some data someone may be able help you find a better solution than the cursor.

    See this article, for advice on posting that will allow for fast and accurate anwers.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help
    Need an Answer? Actually, No ... You Need a Question

  • Thank you

    i needed was something like '"'+cast(columnname as varchar(20))+'"'

    is that the column name is ParameterID it should be displayed as "ParameterID" ie within quotes.

    Thank you again:)

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