Using parameters to customize Report Properties

  • I had request to allow a user to generated one long report w/o page breaks so they could CTRL+F (search) the report within the browser after it rendered. I learned from variouis google posts that if I set the Interactive Size-Height property to 0 (zero) the report will be renedered in 1 long page.

    I would rather make this an option in the parameters of this report since users will not always want this type of result.

    I showed them how they can "export" to "web archive" and this renders one long page w/o the need to alter the property but if anybody knows how I can alter properties from parameters it would be useful information.


  • Hi DoubleEx,

    I don't think this is possible. But me too searching solution for this.

    Please feel free to let me know if you are not clear or I’ve misunderstood anything.

    Arunkumar S P

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