Using Results from an extended stored procedure

  • I want to use the results from the extended stored procedure xp_cmdshell 'Dir C:\DailyBackups\2007-*.'  When I run this stored procedure I get 13 rows back. I'm only interested in one row. Is there a way to return the results to a cursor so I can further query the results from the extended stored procedure?

    Thanks in advance for any help that you can give!!!


  • Sounds like we may use this code for the same purpuse .




    CREATE TABLE #Results (txtResult varchar(2000) NULL)

    INSERT INTO #Results (txtResult)

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'DIR D:\*_BACKUP_*.*'

    SELECT * FROM #Results

    DROP TABLE #Results

  • That is exactly it!! Thanks!!!

  • HTH .

  • I do this for my weekly pull of backups to our test environment. You can make this easy by including some options in you Dir command. Here is a snippet of the code (test is in a different domain, so I create a mapped drive to the production domain so that I can specify a specific user account after dialing the VPN):


    Get a directory listing of all full backups to determine the newest one

    /O-D Sort directory list by date descending

    /TW Date column sorted on = date last written. Change 2nd letter to C for Date Created.

    /B Bare format: no attributes, descriptions, or summaries. Just file names.



    Into @Backups (BackupName)


    xp_cmdshell N'dir Y:\*.BAK /O-D /TW /B'


    /* Delete the empty or otherwise invalid rows returned by xp_cmdshell */


    From @Backups


    BackupName Is Null


    Charindex('_', BackupName) = 0


    /* File names are sorted by date written descending, so first file in list is newest */


    @BackupName = BackupName, @Database = Left(BackupName, Charindex('_', BackupName) - 1)




    BackupID = 1


    /* Copy the backup file from the remote server */


    @cmdshell = 'copy /B /Y ' + @Path + '\' + @BackupName + ' D:\backups\'

    Exec xp_cmdshell @cmdshell

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