Using row results as dyamic columns?

  • edit: quote me to see a clear view on the code fields

    Hi there,

    I'm looking for the easiest/fastest way to bring a query result like this

    Name department percentage

    Gustav GW 80

    Gustav NW 20

    Olaf D 100

    Detlev NW 50

    Detlev D 50

    into a form like this:

    Name GW NW D

    Gustav 80 20

    Olaf 100

    Detlev 50 50

    I can only think up a solution with dynamic queries, temporary tables and updates in a loop, but isn't there a easier way to do that? Hope you experts know a way 🙂


  • Hi Matt,

    this can be done, using the Pivot syntax within SQL Select.

    Examples found at BOL

  • Here is the implemented example using PIVOT..

    /*Script to create Sample Data*/

    DECLARE @PercentData

    TABLE(Name VARCHAR(50),Department VARCHAR(10), Percentage float)

    INSERT INTO @PercentData(Name,department,Percentage)

    SELECT 'Gustav','GW',80 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Gustav','NW',20 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Olaf','D',100 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Detlev','NW',50 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Detlev','D',50

    /*Pivot Query to get required output*/

    SELECT [Name], GW, NW, D

    FROM (SELECT [Name], Department, Percentage

    FROM @PercentData) E

    PIVOT (MAX(Percentage)

    FOR department IN ([GW],[NW],[D])) X

  • Hi,

    thanks for you answers! Unfortunately we are still using MSSQL2000 so I have to use PIVOT tables like this:





    SUM(CASE WHEN abna='D' THEN pro ELSE 0 END) AS D

    FROM ma_ab_pro

    INNER JOIN ma ON ma.maid = ma_ab_pro.maid

    INNER JOIN ab ON ab.abid = ma_ab_pro.abid

    GROUP BY mana

    But "PIVOT" was the hint i needed 🙂

  • Actually, your solution is more commonly referred to as a crosstab, not a pivot.

    PIVOT is an SQL keyword in 2005 and up.

    Why are you posting in the 2005 forum, if you are still using SQL 2000?


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks for telling me the correct name.

    We use a mixed enviroment with 7, 2000 and 2005 servers and I thought it was a 2005 server.

    If it bothers you so much maybe a mod can move this topic.

  • I didn't lose any sleep over it, but please remember it for the future. There are lots of new and improved techniques between 2005 and 2000. Ask a question in a 2005 forum and you'll get a 2005 answer. It wastes not only the volunteers' time but your time for them to give you an answer you can't use. Also, someone looking for an answer to a similar problem might not think to look here if they are on a 2000 server themselves. That's why there are separate forums.

    Have a good weekend 🙂


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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