Using Sparse Columns and Sparse Column Sets

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Using Sparse Columns and Sparse Column Sets

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  • Nice question Wayne..

    The only exception when insert will fail is when one tries to insert in a column (col1/col2/col3) and TblColumnSet (COLUMN_SET) in one go

    Cheers 🙂

    ~ Lokesh Vij

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  • nice question . get to learn about the column sets.


    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • Great question Wayne.

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  • Thank you. Nice.

    (same as this with little details change. Got a impression at first that this question was repeated before and then I had to compare between these two 😛 )

    ww; Raghu
    The first and the hardest SQL statement I have wrote- "select * from customers" - and I was happy and felt smart.

  • Nice Question Wayne. Thanks.:-)


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  • Nice question.

    Raghavendra Mudugal (9/5/2012)

    same as this with little details change. Got a impression at first that this question was repeated before and then I had to compare between these two 😛 )

    Well, not really "same", it's a very diffefrent question.

    But certainly anyone who had seen the first one would be aware that the last insert doesn't cause an error, and deducing that three 2-row inserts and one 1-row insert will between them insert 7 rows is not very difficult. So it might have been better if these two questions had appeared in the opposite order.


  • L' Eomot Inversé (9/5/2012)

    Nice question.

    Raghavendra Mudugal (9/5/2012)

    same as this with little details change. Got a impression at first that this question was repeated before and then I had to compare between these two 😛 )

    Well, not really "same", it's a very diffefrent question.

    Not sure what I am missing here, but the both questions has the same table structure and then same data to inserts, in the end the previous question uses the SELECT INTO where the data is been copied to the new table and objective of the question completely relays on the table2. Here in this question it is just the first part of the previous question, where the new table creation is been avoided and then the objective of the question here mainly focuses on the XML column set which again can be seen working properly with no errors in the previous one.

    I am not sure how it can be very different.

    thank you for your reply.

    ww; Raghu
    The first and the hardest SQL statement I have wrote- "select * from customers" - and I was happy and felt smart.

  • Raghavendra Mudugal (9/5/2012)

    L' Eomot Inversé (9/5/2012)

    Nice question.

    Raghavendra Mudugal (9/5/2012)

    same as this with little details change. Got a impression at first that this question was repeated before and then I had to compare between these two 😛 )

    Well, not really "same", it's a very diffefrent question.

    Not sure what I am missing here, but the both questions has the same table structure and then same data to inserts, in the end the previous question uses the SELECT INTO where the data is been copied to the new table and objective of the question completely relays on the table2. Here in this question it is just the first part of the previous question, where the new table creation is been avoided and then the objective of the question here mainly focuses on the XML column set which again can be seen working properly with no errors in the previous one.

    I am not sure how it can be very different.

    thank you for your reply.

    This question (the second, chronologically) basically asked which of the insert formats used would fail and which would work.

    The other question (the first, chronologically) used these insert formats to set up sample data and than asked what the effect of a certain statement on that sample data would be. That question is completely different. The sample data could have been given in a variety of other formats without affecting the question.

    So yes, they are different questions. And I think they are both good by themselves. But in combination and in the order they are published here, this (second) question is weak: the same methods of inserting were used for the first question and the rest of that question implied that they would run error-free, so anyone who looked more than casually at that question is bound to get this one right. Had the order been reversed, then both questions would have been good.

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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  • Hugo Kornelis (9/5/2012)

    This question (the second, chronologically) basically asked which of the insert formats used would fail and which would work.

    Yes, from the previous post it has been proved that that insert data been provided here for this question also gets succeeded like the previous one.

    The other question (the first, chronologically) used these insert formats to set up sample data and than asked what the effect of a certain statement on that sample data would be. That question is completely different. The sample data could have been given in a variety of other formats without affecting the question.

    I apologize if my wording were not consistent.

    Now I see the difference here... when i say "same" i didn;t mean the objective of the both are same, i meant the question itself as there is no difference apart from the final select statement where the SELECT INTO is been removed and this question is been changed with some difference in the detail.

    So yes, they are different questions. And I think they are both good by themselves. But in combination and in the order they are published here, this (second) question is weak: the same methods of inserting were used for the first question and the rest of that question implied that they would run error-free, so anyone who looked more than casually at that question is bound to get this one right. Had the order been reversed, then both questions would have been good.

    Yes, I agree if you are focusing on the objective.

    Thank you for your reply. (it is always feels good to interact with experts, not to argue) 🙂

    ww; Raghu
    The first and the hardest SQL statement I have wrote- "select * from customers" - and I was happy and felt smart.

  • Nice question. I am learning a lot more about SPARSE columns!

  • Very interesting, thanks for the question Waynes!

  • A useful, illustrative question. Thank you, Wayne!

  • In researching SPARSE columns, I cannot quite see their value. I'm not that experienced with Sql Server, I wonder how often they are used? Seems examples I have seen look like better database design could have eliminated their necessity:unsure:.

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