Using Sparse Columns with SELECT ... INTO

  • Good question but tough......

  • Great topic and question. Thanks!

  • Sparse columns are a property of the storage layer, rather than the logical table. Therefore a SELECT…INTO statement does not copy over the sparse column property into a new table.

  • udayroy15 (8/29/2012)

    Sparse columns are a property of the storage layer, rather than the logical table. Therefore a SELECT…INTO statement does not copy over the sparse column property into a new table.

    I was just looking into this.

    "Catalog views for a table that has sparse columns are the same as for a typical table. The sys.columns catalog view contains a row for each column in the table and includes a column set if one is defined."

    "Sparse columns are a property of the storage layer, rather than the logical table. Therefore a SELECT…INTO statement does not copy over the sparse column property into a new table."

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS TableName, name AS ColumnName, is_sparse


    WHERE object_id IN (object_id('Table1'), object_id('Table2'))

    TableName ColumnName is_sparse

    Table1 RowID 0

    Table1 DateTimeStamp 0

    Table1 Col1 1

    Table1 Col2 1

    Table1 Col3 1

    Table1 TblColumnSet 0

    Table2 RowID 0

    Table2 DateTimeStamp 0

    Table2 Col1 0

    Table2 Col2 0

    Table2 Col3 0

    Table2 TblColumnSet 0

  • Nice question - makes you think.

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  • Great question! Thanks, Wayne!

  • Nice question. Thanks!

  • Never used sparse columns in my SQL experience, do any developers here use them frequently?

  • Great question, Wayne. Made me think and research a lot.

    "El" Jerry.

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  • churlbut (8/29/2012)

    Never used sparse columns in my SQL experience, do any developers here use them frequently?

    I have never used them and am not sure I understand their true applicability.

  • Good question.

    I find it rather surprising that 19% of people to date think the column name doesn't carry over, and 17% think the data type doesn't carry over - I would expect more than 90% of people to know that both those properties are transferred to the new table.

    30% of people think that nullability doesn't carry over to the new table, and that's not just surprising it's appalling.

    Only 18% of people thought that sparseness carried only, so about as many people understand that sparseness is not copied as understand that the column names are or that data types are. Seems quite bizarre! And about twice as many get sparseness right than nullability, which seems even bizarrer.


  • Thanks Tom,

    I have to agree with your assessment. I would have expected the name, data type and null-ability to all be >95%.

    I actually felt that this question was so easy, that I asked Steve to not show the number of correct answers... if it showed 3, I felt that everyone would just check those 3. (My thinking was that they would apply deductive reasoning, instead of thinking about the question. I wanted more thought to go into it.)

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  • Pure chance.

    some way of compensation ?

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