Using Table variables as inputs for stored procedure''s?

  • Can table variable be used as output or input variables for stored procedures? I can find anything in BOL, or Ken Henderson's "Guru's Guide to .." books, or google (so far).

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].UP_ExtractPostCard_Card

     @PostCardExtractCardResultSet TABLE

      ([ID]   INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1),

      [DataLine]  varchar(110))

    gives a syntax error near TABLE, but the table declaration is fine:

    DECLARE @PostCardExtractCardResultSet TABLE

      ([ID]   INTEGER IDENTITY(1,1),

      [DataLine]  varchar(110))

    Works fine..


  • If you want to use the table within the stored procedure I would suggest creating it as a temporary table and running through it, rather than passing it in (if this is possible)

  • Thanks Tom,

    I was trying to avoid Temp table in favour of Table variables. I have found a way to do what I want with a UDF, and on re-looking, may have over-complicated the whole thing 🙂

  • You cannot use it directly as an array or table.

    Workaround is cocatinate the values with usually '|' and split it in the stored procedure to avail it as a table.

    Remi has posted a function which wil return a table when the concatinated string is passed.

    or as Tom suggested insert the values into a table in a database with some values to identify the rows and use that table in the stored procedure.


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