Using the Over Partion to create an instance count

  • Hi,

    Using the sql statement below in a stored procedure

    rownum = row_number() over(partition by t.PTM_id, t.WL_id,case when 'P' in (c.activity__1,c.activity__2,c.activity__3) then 'C' else 'A' end order by

    I get

    PTM_id WL_id date Cancellation I Get I need

    1 203 08/01/2009 C 1 1

    1 203 20/01/2009 A 1 1

    1 203 02/02/2009 C 2 1

    1 203 16/02/2009 C 3 2

    1 203 17/03/2009 A 2 1

    1 203 21/04/2009 A 3 2

    1 203 20/05/2009 C 4 1

    What I would like is the โ€œI needโ€ column where there partition is reset if the next in sequence is not the same as the previous one using Cancellation as the trigger for the partition.

    Any suggestions would muchly appreciated.



  • Well here is what I came up with:

    CREATE TABLE #test (ptm_id INT, wl_id INT, [date] date, cancellation CHAR(1))

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '01/08/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '01/20/09', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/02/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/16/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/18/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '03/17/09', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '04/21/09', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '05/20/09', 'C');

    WITH testCTE AS

    (SELECT cancellation, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [date]) AS rowNum

    FROM #test


    testCTE2 AS


    SELECT ptm_id, wl_id, [date], cancellation, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [date]) AS rowNum

    FROM #test



    testCTE2.ptm_id, testCTE2.wl_id, testCTE2.[date], testCTE2.cancellation, DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY testCTE2.cancellation ORDER BY isnull(testCTE.rowNum,1))



    LEFT JOIN testCTE ON (testCTE.rowNum = testCTE2.rowNum-1 AND testCTE.cancellation = testCTE2.cancellation)

    ORDER BY testCTE2.[date]

    DROP TABLE #test

    I would guess there is a better way to do this but I stopped at the first solution I could figure out.

  • This works for the sample data, but that might just be luck.. ๐Ÿ™‚SELECT


    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY R1, cancellation ORDER BY Date) AS






    - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition BY cancellation ORDER BY [Date]) AS R1



    ) AS T



  • I think I broke both of them:

    CREATE TABLE #test (ptm_id INT, wl_id INT, [date] date, cancellation CHAR(1))

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '01/08/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '01/20/09', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/02/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/16/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/16/09', 'D')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/16/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/18/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/18/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '03/17/09', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '04/21/09', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '05/20/09', 'C');

    I can't figure out a way to get the correct results.

  • I couldn't figure out how to get mine to work with the new data so I modified Lamprey13's.

    I think this will work.

    CREATE TABLE #test (ptm_id INT, wl_id INT, [date] date, cancellation CHAR(1))

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '01/08/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '01/20/09', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/02/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/16/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/16/09', 'D')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/16/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/18/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/18/09', 'C')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '02/20/09', 'D')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '03/17/09', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '03/17/09', 'A')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '04/21/09', 'E')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '04/21/09', 'E')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES (1, 203, '05/20/09', 'C');



    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY R1, cancellation ORDER BY [date]) AS





    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ptm_id, wl_id, [date], cancellation)

    - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition BY ptm_id, wl_id, cancellation ORDER BY [date]) AS R1



    ) AS T



    DROP TABLE #test

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