Using the Watch List

  • Hi all

    I want to use the Watch list to see the variable values changing as the package progresses but I can't add the variables to it as when I drag the variables across to the watch list from the variables window the latter stays greyed out. I can't type the variable name in direcdtly as though the watch window has the focus the list area stays greyed out.

    I'm sure that this is something simple but I would be grateful if someone could give me the clue


  • Hi Mathew

    Add a breakpoint to the first control in the package, and set it to run. You now should see the locals window at the bottom of your screen. You can either watch variables from there, or add them to your watch list (right click)



  • Thanks

    I tried that but no joy.There may be something more fundamental wrong as I have several variables updating during the execution of several containers however the locals window is blank during debug and I still can't add variables to the watch windows

    I can't see anything in the options that would prevent output being directed to anywhere except the output window however this seems to be the case

    Thanks for any help on this

  • Mathew, not entirely sure if this will help but make the package part of a project solution when editing...If its not you might not be able to change things like that...


  • Yes I was caught out by that before.

    This project is part of a solution and I have enabled all the relevant debug properties that I can see but to no avail

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