Using Week Numbers

  • The system I have uses a yearly renewal date for membership. I have converted this to a week number in a calculated field in SQL 7.0.

    So when the user selects week 5 he/she will get pre reminder letters for week 7 (2 weeks before that persons renewal). This same procedure happens when they are late ie week 52 for people 6 weeks late based on their renewal date.

    How do I calculate in a stored procedure the correct week date.this is the code that doesn't work

    SELECT (MM_Title + ' ' + MM_Surname) AS ContactName, MM_TradingAs , MM_Address1, MM_Address2 , MM_Address3, MM_Town, MM_County, MM_CountryCode, MM_PostCode,

    SU_RenewalDate, SU_SubAmount, MM_MemberNo, MM_Type

    FROM tblMemberDetails

    INNER JOIN tblSubscriptionDetails

    ON tblMemberDetails.MM_MemberNo = tblSubscriptionDetails.SU_MemberNo

    INNER JOIN tblPaymentData

    ON tblMemberDetails.MM_MemberNo = tblPaymentData.PD_MemberNo

    WHERE SU_RenewalWeek = @WeekNo + 2

    AND MM_Status IN('LM1') AND MM_StopNext = 'No' AND MM_Scheme = 'Standard'

    AND SU_PayMethod = 'CH' AND PD_PaymentStatus = 'Pending' AND MM_GoneAway = 'No'

    AND MM_MembershipType IN('AS','CM','FM','QE','SR')

    ORDER BY MM_TradingAs

    I'm passing the week number across but of course when its week 5 and they are renewals in week 53 this codes doesn't work.

    Sorry its a long one and all help would be greatly appreciate


  • WHERE SU_RenewalWeek = (CASE WHEN @WeekNo > 50 THEN (@WeekNo-50) ELSE (@WeekNo + 2) END)

    will cater for @WeekNo+2 for weeks 51+

    Can u explain what you are trying to do for

    'This same procedure happens when they are late ie week 52 for people 6 weeks late based on their renewal date.'

    are you always checking for '6 weeks late'?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thank you David.

    Its because I'm running a letter schedule. We run letters at the same time for people who are pre-reminded of a renewal ie 2 weeks before their renewal week aswell as people who are 2 weeks late , 6 weeks late and lastly 10 weeks late

    Hope that makes a little more sense

    Thanks again


  • slightly long winded exercise but I;ve managed to work around using you code example.

    SELECT @CHQPreReminder = COUNT(MM_MemberNo)

    FROM tblMemberDetails

    INNER JOIN tblSubscriptionDetails

    ON tblMemberDetails.MM_MemberNo = tblSubscriptionDetails.SU_MemberNo

    INNER JOIN tblPaymentData

    ON tblMemberDetails.MM_MemberNo = tblPaymentData.PD_MemberNo

    WHERE SU_RenewalWeek = CASE @WeekNo

    WHEN 52 THEN 1

    WHEN 53 THEN 2

    ELSE @WeekNo + 2


    AND MM_Status = 'LM1' AND MM_StopNext = 'No' AND MM_Scheme = 'Standard'

    AND SU_PayMethod = 'CH' AND PD_PaymentStatus = 'Pending' AND MM_GoneAway = 'No'

    AND MM_MembershipType IN('AS','CM','FM','QE','SR')

    I really appreciate your time on this



  • Great.

    If you want to process the late renewals you can use

    CASE WHEN (@WeekNo - 2) < 1 THEN (@WeekNo - 2 + 52) ELSE (@WeekNo - 2) END

    and change the 2 to 6 & 10 accordingly

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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