UTC Dates

  • You are more than welcome.

    Any change of populating the table

  • quote:

    Sorry that I'm coming into this a little late, but why don't you store the dates in UTC format. Then create a table that has the timezone definitions like below (no guarantee on syntax)



    TimeZoneId INT,

    TimeZoneName NVARCHAR(25),

    TimeZoneOffset INT,

    Year INT,

    DaylightSavingsStart DATETIME,

    DaylightSavingsEnd DATETIME


    You'd have to then create two UDFs.

    The first would be used to take any date and timezone, would extract the year, look to see if the date fell within the Start/End dates for the daylight savings, then do a DATEADD to get the UTC datetime.

    The second would take a UTC date and timezone, would extract the year, look to see if the date fell within the Start/End dates for the daylight savings period, then do a DATEADD to get the local datetime.

    Well, yes, that's the way to do this on the server, but the two sticking points for me are getting the client's time zone and finding the values to populate this table. I'm also not sure I'd want to handle what is basically a presentation issue by passing every date in the select list through a UDF.



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