UTC time on transaction log backup files thru log shipping

  • Has anyone seen this behavior in SQL 2005?  We are running log shipping and the transaction log backup files created through the log shipping executable are timestamped with a UTC time.  (Job step created by log shipping wizard runs ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\...\sqllogship.exe" -Backup [...some id...] -server [server name]"). So files created at 6am will be named "[backup log name]_200703141100.trn."

    However, any transaction log backups or database backups created as normal maintenance plans will have the local time in the file name.  So files created at 6am will be named "[backup log name]_200703140600.trn."

    Is there some setting I missed to say whether to use UTC time?  Saw this behavior before DST change and before DST patch applied to server.  This is more nuisance than problem, but am curious about how this is working...

  • I'm experiencing the same problem (see my post in the MSDN forum; posted a few minutes before I saw your thread here: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1773170&SiteID=1)

    Have you found any explanation for this?



  • Today I set up 2005 log shipping for the first time and I have the same behavior.

    In addition, although my copies and restores seem to be working, the secondary server is alerting that the 'time since last restore' is greater than my 45 min threshold. But that is not true. I am wondering if that incorrect time in the backup file name has something to do with that.

  • what is the difference b\w transactional log back up&tansactional log back upin log shipping & transactional replication

  • This is not the correct thread to ask this question. If you can't find a thread about what you want to ask, open a new one.

    I didn't understand the question either...

  • The log shipping tlog filename has the UTC time embedded in it and uses this value for propagating tlog files to the secondary. UTC time is used in case the primary server and secondary server(s) are in a different time zone.

    I think, this is by design.

  • Please refer this thread. As mentioned by Bala it is by design..


    [font="Verdana"]- Deepak[/font]

  • If Log shipping backups takes UTC time for log backups as designed, then why there is no uniformity across all log shipping setups as some of the log shipping scenarios takes current data and time for naming log backup files.

  • Hi Mels,

    Please see my post here http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic771695-146-1.aspx.

    I'm also discussing the same from last 4 days and every body saying UTC time stamp is by design for log shipping .trn files

    But nowhere mentioned about this in BOL:-D:-D

  • rambilla4 (8/25/2009)

    Hi Mels,

    Please see my post here http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Topic771695-146-1.aspx.

    I'm also discussing the same from last 4 days and every body saying UTC time stamp is by design for log shipping .trn files

    But nowhere mentioned about this in BOL:-D:-D

    Just because it isn't in BOL doesn't mean that it isn't designed that way. It just means the documentation for it is lacking. There is a difference.

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