Veritas Backup Strategy

  • Hi,

    What is the best strategy for backing up my SQL data to tape using Veritas? 

    a) Backup the transaction logs

    b) Use the Veritas sql agent to backup the data directly

    Thank you, Victor...

  • If your network admins allow it, it probably would be best to use Veritas for both database and transaction log backups.  That way, when restoring from Veritas, the backup sets would be logically grouped and you could restored them together.

    In our location, the network admins decided that they didn't want to use Veritas to backup the transaction logs directly because it would tie up the tape drives during the day (we use Veritas to backup all other data on the network servers).  The compromise we came to was to use Veritas for full database backups nightly and let SQL Server backup the transaction logs, then use Veritas to backup the log files during the nightly process.  We tested to make sure we could do a restore using a full backup from Veritas and then apply the transaction log backups  done by SQL.  It does work, although I do admit it's a little clunky.

  • I backup my SQL Server databases (and logs) to hard drive and then use Veritas to copy those backup files to tape.


  • Same here

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