Veritas Backup

  • Use SQL native backup to disk, then use Veritas BackUpExec to tape. You should have no problems.

    One thing though, you may want to consider some encrytpion of the files. Last time I looked this is not possible with Veritas. If the data is sensitive, and the tapes are mishandled...


  • I concur with Terry on all points.  Our setup is to create transaction log files on disk during the workday, create a BAK file on disk in the early evening, and then use Veritas to back up the whole wad to tape in the late evening/wee hours of the morning.  Just make sure you schedule Veritas to not start until well after the native SQL backup has finished.

  • Where I work we ship SQL databases daily to another remote EMC unit via SRDF and backup daily copies to tape via Veritas 5.1 enterprise Server or whatever it's called. For DR we use the BCV's to restore from which is just a disk to disk copy. For things like QA we restore from tape and they wait however long it takes.

    We had some problems with Veritas, but nothing we couldn't solve. It is a PITA sometimes though, especially since the server is on Solaris.

  • We're on Veritas BE 9.0 and  have done restores here & there without any problems.  In our case, we're only putting the databases on tape. For those few DBs that are "FULL", the t-logs stay on disk.

  • In the scenario where you do a native backup or litespeed backup to disk and then have veritas pick the file off of disk and send it to tape, is there any way to send a message to veritas that says "My backups are done and ready to be taken to tape".  Most people I've talked to simply make sure that they schedule the veritas piece to kick off a few hours after the backup typically ends but I wondered if there was a better way to automate this.


  • Yes, there should be. Look in the Veritas manual for Client Initiated Backup or Client Controlled Backup.

    If I recall correctly, you can write a script that you add to the end of the maintenance plan job that will tell the NetBackup client to signal the NetBackup server that a backup is ready.

    I am pretty sure you will need to set up a "User backup" schedule for 24/7 to allow this as the client calling a backup is seen as a user backup.

    -- J.T.

    "I may not always know what I'm talking about, and you may not either."

  • Jason,

    If you are using NetBackup, you can use the bpbackup command.  See the online help for details on what parameters to pass.


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