Version Control

  • How can you keep version control of Tables (structure), Views and Stored Procedures?

    I am using Visual Source Safe for keep scripts, but it is quite hard to manage.

    I am running SQL Server 2000.

  • I think you'll have to search the posts - this topic has been often discussed...I too use VSS and agree that it's hard to manage unless you're really really disciplined and do not make any changes to the schema/procedures etc. unless you check out the files from VSS, make modifications on the dev server and then finally copy the changes to production...reality is of course that you're always working against time so a lot of procedures are modified directly and then find their way to VSS if they're lucky....

    here's a link from this site where you may find some useful stuff..

    version control

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Steve Jones has written a 4-part series regarding version control. Here is Part 4, with links to the three previous parts included.

  • A fairly simple "poor mans" way (i.e. no need for 3rd party tools) of ensuring you pick up the changes is to script all theobjects of both existing live and "to be live" development databases before a roll out of the changes (using SQL Ent manager scripting options) scripting to a single file then just use Windiff on the resulting script to ensure you knwo exactly what has changed - or you can script as individual files per object to two different directories and use windiff on the directories

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