Version of SP on Client Side

  • Hi,

    How do I tell if the SQL Client Tools on my IIS box has SQL SP2 patched?


  • SELECT @@Version

    on the client machine.

  • IIS box doesn't have SQL server engine installed. SQL and IIS are on separate boxes.

    SELECT @@VERSION will tell me the version of the SQL box that the IIS is connected to, right?

  • You need to chech the timstamps of the dll's in your binn directory against microsofts list of file timestamps for SP2. There may be other ways to go about it, but its what I do, and its quick and easy. If you have another machine you know is SP2, get the timstamps off the dll's in that machine for compare, but microsoft also has a list of them for situations just like this. I keep a timestamp version list at my desk at work as I have to identify a range of versions from the client side.

  • I think it won't hurt anything if I re-apply SP2 even it already has SP2 applied, is it correct?

  • I've never had any problems doing it....just make sure you do your backups...

  • No harm that I have ever encoutered.

  • The only way I know you can see what version/service pack is installed on the clint is "bcp -v" from a dos prompt

  • It doesn't seem to be accurate.

    I think it is the version of BCP. I locally run BCP -V on 2 SQL boxes with different patched; both give me 8.00.382

    Thx anyway.

  • As far as I know, and I've asked several buddies if they knew as well, the only way to be sure is by your dll versions. I would be very interested in knowing about an alternate way to go about it though, as that's quite tedious.

    Speak up People.....

  • I believe this location is accurate.

    Open up Enterprise Manager in MMC and click on either the "Microsoft SQL Server" node or the "SQL Server Group" node in the tree view (left frame). Then choose Action on the menu, and "About SQL Server Enterprise Manager" or optionally you can right click either node and see same option. There you will see the version which matches the patching version that is installed.

    Unfortuncately you cannot do the same with QA as the version is different (don't know why they don't update to match).

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