Versioning in SSIS

  • I know DTS packages do we have versioning, just wondering whether versioning feature is still available in SSIS??

  • I am not sure if this answers your question, but the properties of the package have version information.

  • Daniel Bowlin (8/20/2012)

    I am not sure if this answers your question, but the properties of the package have version information.

    SSIS autoincrements the build number of the package everytime you save it.

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  • File based packages certainly don't preserve versions. From some brief research it doesn't appear that there is any native versioning in the database either.

  • Unlike the file-based DTS packages which were binary file formats SSIS package files are text-based XML documents and therefore can be versioned in your favorite source control repository and compared. If you lost an old version of an SSIS package and were looking for the 'Versions' stored within the package such as existed in the old DTS package file format when you simply hit Save there is nothing there for you.

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