View Documentation

  • How do you print specification on Views

    showing the fields and links to other Views?

  • The system stored procedure sp_helptext will give you the view definition. Is that what you're needing?

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • How do you execute the SP Helptext ?

    I would like to draw diagrams under the database name but it only allows you to do fields and sizes,and diagrams for Tables .

  • To execute write:

    EXEC sp_Helptext view_name from Query Analizer. But this won't show you the relations like the diagram does. If will only show you the tsql code used to create the view.

    You will be able to check the columns, the tables it references...but all in code.

  • Thanks !

    Why do you think they setup diagrams for

    tables only ?

    Maybe I am doing things the wrong way - I use

    Views to link with other views to create final data view for Reporting.

  • Maybe you should used joins between tables when posibble. But you should check wich is the best choice.

  • I am loading a large file that I select

    records in a veiw then I match with other Views - sometimes linking up to 20 Views -

    Can anyone recomend a better way ?

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