View to get last day of month

  • I've got a table with a record for each day of the year. Each record has just a few fields. Does anyone have a simple way of creating a view to return each record that is the last day of the month? Should I just have a separate table with records for only the last day of each month and do a join to that?



  • Try this:

    declare @records table (date datetime, id int, amount int)

    insert @records values('30 Jan 2008', 1, 2)

    insert @records values('31 Jan 2008', 1, 3)

    insert @records values('30 Jan 2008', 2, 2)

    insert @records values('31 Jan 2008', 2, 4)

    insert @records values('29 Jan 2008', 3, 4)

    insert @records values('30 Jan 2008', 3, 5)

    insert @records values('30 Mar 2008', 1, 9)

    insert @records values('31 Mar 2008', 1, 8)

    --This returns the latest row in a given month, even if it isn't on the last day

    select,, r.amount


    @records r

    inner join (select max(date) max_date, id

    from @records

    group by id, datepart(year, date), datepart(month, date)) max_r

    on = max_r.max_date

    and =

    --This returns only rows on the last day

    select,, r.amount


    @records r

    inner join (select max(date) max_date

    from @records

    group by datepart(year, date), datepart(month, date)) max_r

    on = max_r.max_date

  • Doing the date calculations in the WHERE clause would get you the records that are on the last day of the month for which it falls in.

    CREATE TABLE Table1 (col1 INT IDENTITY(1,1), col2 DATETIME)

    SELECT col1, col2

    FROM Table1

    WHERE CONVERT(CHAR(8), col2,112) = CONVERT(CHAR(8),DATEADD(MM,DATEDIFF(MM,-1, col2),-1),112)

  • Thanks Todd, that's pretty much what I was looking for but didn't really know how to best formulate the select.


  • Hi,

    Are you looking for last day of the month in genral or last day of the month with in the table? By looking at your description, it looks like you are looking for last day of the month with in table.

    Thanks -- Vj

  • It's a whole lot easier than you think...

    SELECT Date-1

    FROM Calendar

    WHERE Day(Date) = 1

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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