Viewing Backup Information?

  • Ok, I know this is a very basic question....but its driving me crazy!! I am familiar with S2K, but not S2K5!!

    All I want to do is view the backup information within the MSDB database... Simple task I know, and I thought my Google skills were very good....but not this search brings back way too many links.

    I tried to view the tables via EM, but it doesn't seem to work....

    Thank you!!

  • Have a look at [msdb].[dbo].[backupset] - it has a record for each backup

  • I was actually trying to open the tables through Management Studio....and I know where I was going wrong..

    I was trying to "right-click" and "edit" on the table, when I should have been doing "right-click", "script table as" and "select to"

    Thanks for your help!

  • db2l (4/15/2009)

    I was actually trying to open the tables through Management Studio....and I know where I was going wrong..

    I was trying to "right-click" and "edit" on the table, when I should have been doing "right-click", "script table as" and "select to"

    Thanks for your help!

    I am sorry, i didn't get you.. you got the answer?

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