Viewing Report from different domain

  • The installation went smoothly, creating the report was a breeze (following the article

    From the reporting server I can view the report and all is good, however, from a different domain I'm having problems.

    I can access the site, drill down through the listings and reach the link for the report, however when I try to run the report I get a page cannot be displayed error and nothing else to indicate what the trouble may be.


    Any thoughts?

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  • You have to configure ReportServer site in IIS to accept anonymous connections. After, you have to grant NTFS security permissions to the user IUSR_ on the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer. (Read&Execute, Liste Folder and Read).


  • Now I can't see any of the reports that I created though. Going to the home page shows me nothing other than the home page icon and the top right hyperlinks for home, subscriptions and help.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Resolved that problem by adding the IUSR_ account to the browser role, however I still cannot view the report from the other domain.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Hey Nicholas,

    What do you actually get to see form the other domain?  Do you get to the ReportManager application?  And if so, can you see the report?  If you get to the point where you can see the report in the RS catalog (ie in Reportmanager) then I would check the authentication you've set up on the report/datasource, if it's windows then you'll either have to change it (easiest) or maybe go for 'pass thru' where you create the same username and pwd on both domains.  Or you could always trying to get domain trusts going



  • If I could get trusts going my life would be so much easier Steve, unfortunately that's not going to happen any time soon.

    When I go to the reports site it shows the folder, click on that it take me to the subfolder and shows the report that I want to run. When I click on the report itself I get a page cannot be displayed error and no report. However, should I use a machine from within the domain the report shows up.

    I'm using a sql login to connect to the datasource, so that's not the problem.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • You've probably checked it already (and/or it's flowing from the parent folder to the report) but is the IUSR_<machinename> account got browser rights on the report object itself?

    THe page cannot be displayed error is web server error not an RS error/exception?


  • The accounts does have rights on the object (proved by virtue that the report is accessible from the servers domain).

    The error is an IIS error, rather than an RS one. It's as if the page cannot be served.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

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