
  • In my case, what i really would like to know is, if there are any differences (in terms of funcionalities) between ESX and hyperV.

    For instance, i know that with ESX, if i have 3 virtual machines inside a server , each machine will have it's own memory and processor characteristics (allocated to it).

    But i know that if one of the machines is not using all the hardware that is allocated to it, the other machines can automaticly use it's hadware resources, even if the hardware is allocated to this specific to the virtual machine.

    Resources are used in a goog way (each machine can use resources from the other machines).

    In HyperV is it possible too?

  • VMWARE 3.5 or later for stand alone SQL Servers with SAN Storage.(production and staging in my previus company)

    But for Clustering i would not recommend any VM platform.(production and staging in my previus company)

  • We use Vmware have virtuaalised 7 servers ,a 6 in the production environment

    “When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?’” - Sydney Harris

  • VMWARE AND HYPER V offer the same sentiments, however from my opinion i would go for the veterens of Virtualization which is VMWARE, i have been working on VMWARE for 12 months and i can say it's better than Hyper V for all the questions and concerns you might have. As for Clustering it's a big No from me because i dealy VMWARE would be defeating the purpose of clustering.

    Hyper-v on the other hand works well on MS OSs only, what about other Apps that run on different OS platforms?

  • Yeah, i as a DBA dont receommend Virtualization on SQL unless it's a low risk Database server with few Transactions.

    However if that be the case, go for the Veterens called VMWARE.

    I use VMWARE on my QA, UAT and DR site.

  • THE-FHA (6/24/2011)

    Yeah, i as a DBA dont receommend Virtualization on SQL unless it's a low risk Database server with few Transactions.

    any reason why? i know of a lot of companies that use it for large scale databases without any issue at all.

  • Well if those Databases are not involved in Clustering but running on a Normal Db Server which is a VM, then it's fine because you can have Thin provisioning and etc.

    but if its a Clustering solution on a VM environment, i don't recommend it.

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