VirusScan Enterprise 8.0.0

  • We're having a problem with a SQL Server 2000 Enterprise server rebooting while running scripts from Query Analyzer.

    These scripts have been executing in the past without a problem. These are not trivial scripts. Some of them may take 15 to 20 minutes to run (they're transferring large amounts of data between two different databases on the same server.)

    Recently, the virus scanner on the server was upgraded to McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0.0.

    Has anyone experienced any problems with this virus scanner with SQL Server? We're trying to convince the network people to remove the virus scanner.





  • I have a personal edition of McAfee 8.0, I also had problems with scripts (even with the scripts of the Enterprise Manager), but after turning off the ScriptStopper, everything worked as before.


    Danny Springer

  • i use norton Antivirus Corporate Edition on SQL Server and it is very nice

    here is some tips you may use:

    I set norton Antivirus Corporate Edition NOT to scan the MDF, NDF, LDF , TRN and BAK files, and not to scan important Folders .

    and also not to scan all (pagefile.sys) files which is the virtual memory files.  

    also in in File System RealTime Protection page in norton Antivirus Corporate Edition

    1- I made to (scan files when) >> [ Modified { scan or created } ] from (Advanced) Button

    2- and I made (Nework) in (Drive Types) >> Unchecked

    I hope this help u.

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Alamir is right in that you want to set what the AV software is allowed to scan. I discussed this in an article in order to draw out some comments from the community:

    SQL Server Security: Dealing with Anti-Virus Programs

    Because AV programs function as file filters, they can cause problems with programs that need heavy file access such as SQL Server. Microsoft has seen some of these issues and there are a few KB articles about them.

    K. Brian Kelley

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