Visual Studio 2008 C# error

  • I'm receiving a 'Using the generic type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<T>'requires'1'type argument' message which seems to reference this line of code:

    private List values;

    The problem is List in the method

    I can't figure out what to replace it with or whatever it is to fix it, please help my brains are scrambled eggs now, thanks to all who reply.

  • I need to provide a little more info, my bad on that. I'm trying to run a strconcat on a private list

    public struct strconcat : IBinarySerialize


    private List values;

    I have searched all over the web on several and several different web sites to no end and no one seems to have any idea nor even talk about this.

    This is the best example I could find:

    Yet all replies to the OP is all in T-SQL which is not what I'm looking for nor the answer, it needs to be in C#.

  • Hi,

    You need to provide the type for the elements that you want to store in your list:

    private List<int> values;


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