VMWare SQL Server Memory Usage--why does total memory drop?

  • I'm having what I believe to be memory issues on one of our SQL Servers. However, my monitoring tool indicates that the server is not using the total allocated it by VMWare. There is plenty of extra memory on the VMWare host so I know that there is no memory pressure from the host. The guest is allocated 8 GB but alternates between 6 and 7 GB, and of course SQL Server uses less than that. The equivalent perfmon counter is (WMI: Win32_ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory) - (Memory: Available Bytes).

    Can you tell me why a VMWare guest running SQL Server would give up memory? Is there some way to make it stop giving up memory? We tried checking "Reserve all guest memory" but that didn't seem to change anything.

    Thank you!

  • Quick question, what are the memory configurations for the SQL Server service (min/max memory)?


  • Min: 2048 MB.

    Max: 6144 MB.

    OS: Windows 2012 Standard.

    SQL: 2012 Standard.

    According to my monitoring tool, SQL total memory (equivalent perfmon counter: SQLServer:Memory Manager - Total Server Memory (KB) ) varies mostly between 4 GB and 5 GB and currently is at 4.8 GB even though it appears to be under memory pressure--I'm seeing high memory grants pending and the RESOURCE_MEMPHYSICAL_LOW alert was sent to the ring buffers.

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