VS 2005 & RS 2000

  • Hi All

    Hope someone can help me out here.  My company has forced us to start developing in Visual Studio 2005 however they have not allowed us to update to SQL 2005 yet due to "evaluation issues".

    We currently have Reporting Services for SQL 2000 installed on the production environment, and its my understanding that the report designer addin will not work in Visual Studio 2005.  What I am wondering is if we install Report Server 2005 on our local (development) machines and create the report in VS2005, can we then deploy these reports to the SQL 2000 install of reporting services? 

    If this is not possible at all, can anyone suggest another way round this as going back to VS 2003, we have been told, is not an option.  One thing I was thinking was wither we could use a previous version of Visual Web Developer Express to develop and deploy the reports?

    Hope someone can help.


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  • I am in a similar situation - have you found a solution?

  • Same problem here. If someone (incluiding myself) finds the answer please post.


  • Why isn't it an option to run VS 2003? It'll work with 2005 side-by-side.

  • I have spoken to some people in Microsoft and i've been told that VisualStudio 2003 is the only application that will work with Reporting Services 2000.

    In my instance it was not possible to run 2003 & 2005 side by side due to the licencing agreement my company had with Microsoft.  If we went to 2005 which we were having to do, then our licence for 2003 was to be suspended.  Don't konw the in's and out's of it and tried to stay out of it so I didn't get landed with the licensing stuff.

  • Thanks for the information !!


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