Want to return character(s) after a dash (-)

  • Hi Everyone,

    I want to return the character(s) in a string directly after a dash (-) character. For example in the following numbers 72187-1 & 72187-2 I am interested in returning 1 & 2 respectively.

    It is possible in my scenario that the number after the dash is two digits long, e.g.: 72187-12 in which case I want to return 12.

    Any help here will be greatly appreciated.

    Kind Regards,


  • I used a temp variable in my solution below for sample data so that you can just run this in SSMS. The SELECT statement is what you're looking for.

    DECLARE @x TABLE (yourvalue varchar(20));

    INSERT @x VALUES ('72187-1'),('72187-2'),('72187-12'),('555666-99999');

    -- solution:

    SELECT substring(yourvalue,charindex('-',yourvalue)+1, len(yourvalue)-charindex('-',yourvalue))

    FROM @x;

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Alan's solution can be simplified by using the length of your column instead of calculations. You could also achieve it with the STUFF function (just for fun).

    DECLARE @x TABLE (yourvalue varchar(20));

    INSERT @x VALUES ('72187-1'),('72187-2'),('72187-12'),('555666-99999'), ('16548');

    -- solution:

    SELECT substring(yourvalue,charindex('-',yourvalue)+1, 20),

    STUFF( yourvalue, 1, charindex('-',yourvalue), ''),

    --With empty value

    substring(yourvalue,charindex('-',yourvalue + '-')+1, 20),

    STUFF( yourvalue, 1, charindex('-',yourvalue + '-'), '')

    FROM @x;

    I included a value without a dash. Is the result correct? Or should it return an empty value?

    EDIT: Added the formulas for empty value.

    Luis C.
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  • Then there's always the old RIGHT, REVERSE yourvalue trick:

    DECLARE @x TABLE (yourvalue varchar(20));

    INSERT @x VALUES ('72187-1'),('72187-2'),('72187-12'),('555666-99999');

    SELECT *, RIGHT(yourvalue, CHARINDEX('-', REVERSE(yourvalue))-1)

    FROM @x;

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  • You can specify a longer length on the SUBSTRING and it won't hurt anything, so you skip calculating the length; for example:

    SELECT SUBSTRING(string_value, CHARINDEX('-', string_value) + 1, 100)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher (3/25/2015)

    You can specify a longer length on the SUBSTRING and it won't hurt anything, so you skip calculating the length; for example:

    SELECT SUBSTRING(string_value, CHARINDEX('-', string_value) + 1, 100)


    --Jeff Moden

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  • I like using parsename... as long as is no more than 4 parts.. 😛

    DECLARE @x TABLE (yourvalue varchar(20));

    INSERT @x VALUES ('72187-1'),('72187-2'),('72187-12'),('555666-99999');

    select yourvalue


    from @x

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