Wanted: Data Modeling / Database Design Book Suggestions

  • I recently finished:

    -Joe Celko's Data & Dtabases: Concepts In Practice

    -Joe Celko's SQL For Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming

    -The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL (by Ken Henderson)

    Now, I am looking for more information on Data Modeling / Database Design.  I Specifically, I would like to see:

    -a comprehensive discussion on normalization.

    -a comprehensive and pragmatic approach to database design - including beginning discussions with users, gotchas, design considerations, etc.  Essentially the best way to begin a model and step through normalization.

    -I would like to see a discussion / debate regarding inteligent keys, surrogate keys, mixing the two, etc.

    Many of the databases I currently work with have two main characteristics:  No declarative referential integrities are used (all integrity is handled by apps) and tables typically are normalized in that there are 40 small tables with identity PK's and one or two other columns feeding into one many-to-many (linking) table that has its own identity PK and 40 FK's.

    I have the opportunity to influence future table designs so I am essentially trying to find my own design style.

    If anyone has read any design books that you feel might be helpful to me, I would greatly appreciate the heads up.




  • Still hoping someone out there may have a suggestion...

    Has no one read a single data modeling book that was worth the currency spent on it?

  • I found Rebecca Riordan's book, Designing Relational Database Systems, to be good, but I don't believe it's in print any longer (it's not listed with Microsoft Press, so this link goes to the entry on Amazon.com).

    She has a new one out, Designing Effective Database Systems, but I can't comment on it as I've not read it. It looks to be along the same lines.

    I also got great use out of C.J. Date's Introduction to Database Systems, though this is more academically slanted than Riordan's.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian, thanks so much for the recommendation.  I just ordered a used copy of Rebecca Riordan's Designing Relational Database Systems . 


  • Sooner or later, I think you'll come across Date's book anyway. As Brian mentioned, no easy reading, but it pays (even just to disagree with him of NULL and missing information). See if you can find something useful here:


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Brian and Frank,

    I just took a look at the table of Contents of C.J. Date's Introduction to Database Systems. It covers a big  variety of topics. But judging by the topics I know well they appear to be on the more or less introductory level (Parts 1 and 2) Are the rest of the topics on introductory or professional level?

    I myself find it beneficial to be familiar with ORM (Object Role Modeling) approach and be comfortable using it. As a cheapest and good overview you can use Exam Cram  to 70-300, "Analyzing Requirements and Designing .NET Solution Architecture" It is true it deals with overall application architecture but if you go as far as chapter 8 you will have no problems designing a good database.

    Also a good reference is:

     Object Role Modeling: An Overview

    Terry Halpin

    Visual Studio Team

    Microsoft Corporation




    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Date's book goes into the academic and mathematical foundations of relational database theory and design. You may know a lot of it, but I'm sure you'll find something either better explained or new for you in the first two sections. I did.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I am currently reading through "Data Modeling Essentials, Analysis, design and innovations" By Graene C. Simpsion. It is an overall look at modeling and not application specific. I have found it helpful not only to enhance my current skills, but also gives me the ability to talk with the development\business Analysis groups in terms they can understand.

  • Piggy-backing on Brian. I think you need to have a faible for such kind of literature to derive fun from reading purely academical books like Date's. You also need to have a strong desire to learn about theoretical foundations of databases. Otherwise I don't think you'll have much fun and you should better spent your money on something else.

    Another pretty good source on databases in general (and DB2 in specific) is the IBM redbook domain. http://publib-b.boulder.ibm.com/redbooks.nsf/portals/Data

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Brian, Frank - I do have a hobby of reading theoretical books not only on databases. It is just not my idea of fun  spending $93.78 at 10% saving for something that that I already know. Remember my question was about the level of this book, if it is introductory or professional, not about should we be well educated in theory as I think we certainly should.

    But I will use the reference to J.C.Date anyway for looking for the articles like:


    Date defends relational model


    The Birth of the Relational Model (Part 2)

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Check Ebay, got lucky on dates book with $.99 plus shipping and handling.

  • Sweet deal! I paid at a discount book seller, but you smoked my price.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks to all. I will check Ebay.

    You may also send me a private message here if you think you have extra books that you think are really good.


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Yelena, Date's books are on a very high level, I think. I also think, you can find some of his stuff on http://www.dbdebunk.com

    Maybe this will give you an impression on his writing style:


    Here's another interesting link:


    And, last, but not least, you might want to follow news://comp.databases.theory

    Every now and then an interesting thread comes up there.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

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