

    Hi Guys: I am  setting up an alert to execute  a job that sends me an e-mail anytime the  specified severity error occurs. Now, here is the problem. For example:  When an Integrity Check job fails it does not generate an error, it generates a warning in the Windows 2003 application log; therfore it does not trigger the job and I do not get the e-mail. It works fine when an error(not a warning) is written to the log though. I sthere any way to trigger this e-mail job when a warnning is written to the windows log?


    Kindest Regards,


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Hi,

    Each and every job has an notification tab, in that you can specify the mode of notification and also the option there exists to notify using email try that..


    with smiles


  • Under the notification tab I have it set to "Write to windows event log". That the only option I can use under this tab. My problem is not with the job it self.  I cannot use SQL Mail becuase my network does allow to do so. I am using SQL Agent Tokens (CDOSSYS) to send an email when a job fails:

    Declare @msg nvarchar(4000)

    Set @msg = Replace("Error: [A-ERR]

    Severity: [A-Sev]

    Date: [STRTDT]

    Time: STRTTM

    Database: [A-DBN]

    Message: [A-MSG] ", " ' ", "") --'

    exec sp_send_cdosysmail 'sender@xxx.xxx', 'recepient@xxx.xxx', 'Test of CDOSYS',@msg

    I'am setting up alerts to trigger the above job any time an error is written to the windows event log, which works fine when a Database "error" is written to the windows 20003 server application event log. Here is my question. How can I have this job trigger when a warnning gets written to the the windows application event log? I have an integrity check job that has been failing for the last two weeks, but it does not send an "error" to the windows event log, it sends a warnning instead, therefore the e-mail job never fires.


    Kindest Regards,


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