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  • Jason A. Long - Thursday, September 28, 2017 6:05 PM

    Alan.B - Thursday, September 28, 2017 5:07 PM

    The Data Tuning Adviser is going to recommend columnstore indexes for me? October 2nd can't come soon enough! </sarcasm>

    It's cool to finally see some new T-SQL commands. TRIM and CONCAT_WS are not game changers but  I was excited about STRING_AGG and TRANSLATE. Unfortunately, as was the case with string_split, STRING_AGG and TRANSLATE were poorly implemented IMHO. 

    I've been using 2017 SSMS for a while and I have seen some cool changes to the execution plans.

    Really?... STRING_AGG (or at least the functionality) has been a wish list for quite awhile now. I hate XML and I always feel a bit "unclean" every time I use FOR XML PATH('').
    Is it not as fast as XML (or JSON)?

    I don't like XML concatenation at all and was very happy to hear about STRING_AGG; it was actually the first thing I played around with after installing 2017.
    It's a is a HUGE improvement, don't get me wrong. I work with Redshift (postgresql) and it's STRING_AGG has DISTINCT. In SQL server you
    have to do this:

    SELECT csv = STRING_AGG(token,',')
    FROM dbo.ngrams8k('aabbcc', 1)
    ) ng(token);

    ..which all of a sudden is not much prettier than:

    SELECT csv = STUFF(
    ( SELECT DISTINCT ','+token
    FROM dbo.ngrams8k('aabbcc', 1)
    FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'');

    With STRING_AGG I can guarantee I get the rows in the order I want using WITHIN GROUP: 
    SELECT csv = STRING_AGG(token,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY position)
    FROM dbo.ngrams8k('abc', 1);

    Without STRING_AGG DISTINCT, however, I can't figure out how I would return a distinct concatenated set in the order I want? E.g. how do I get this to work?
    SELECT csv = STRING_AGG(token,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY position)
    FROM dbo.ngrams8k('aabbcc', 1)
    ) ng(token);

    Again - I'm very happy to see it, "poorly implemented" was not a good choice of words for STRING_AGG. 

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Alan.B - Thursday, September 28, 2017 9:43 PM

    Jason A. Long - Thursday, September 28, 2017 6:05 PM

    Alan.B - Thursday, September 28, 2017 5:07 PM

    The Data Tuning Adviser is going to recommend columnstore indexes for me? October 2nd can't come soon enough! </sarcasm>

    It's cool to finally see some new T-SQL commands. TRIM and CONCAT_WS are not game changers but  I was excited about STRING_AGG and TRANSLATE. Unfortunately, as was the case with string_split, STRING_AGG and TRANSLATE were poorly implemented IMHO. 

    I've been using 2017 SSMS for a while and I have seen some cool changes to the execution plans.

    Really?... STRING_AGG (or at least the functionality) has been a wish list for quite awhile now. I hate XML and I always feel a bit "unclean" every time I use FOR XML PATH('').
    Is it not as fast as XML (or JSON)?

    I don't like XML concatenation at all and was very happy to hear about STRING_AGG; it was actually the first thing I played around with after installing 2017.
    It's a is a HUGE improvement, don't get me wrong. I work with Redshift (postgresql) and it's STRING_AGG has DISTINCT. In SQL server you
    have to do this:

    SELECT csv = STRING_AGG(token,',')
    FROM dbo.ngrams8k('aabbcc', 1)
    ) ng(token);

    ..which all of a sudden is not much prettier than:

    SELECT csv = STUFF(
    ( SELECT DISTINCT ','+token
    FROM dbo.ngrams8k('aabbcc', 1)
    FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'');

    With STRING_AGG I can guarantee I get the rows in the order I want using WITHIN GROUP: 
    SELECT csv = STRING_AGG(token,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY position)
    FROM dbo.ngrams8k('abc', 1);

    Without STRING_AGG DISTINCT, however, I can't figure out how I would return a distinct concatenated set in the order I want? E.g. how do I get this to work?
    SELECT csv = STRING_AGG(token,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY position)
    FROM dbo.ngrams8k('aabbcc', 1)
    ) ng(token);

    Again - I'm very happy to see it, "poorly implemented" was not a good choice of words for STRING_AGG. 

    Nah... It's as you said. Had they simply put in a wee bit more thought into usability, adding a DISTINCT option would have been a no brainier... Same thing with the missing RN on STRING_SPLIT.
    And it's not as if it hasn't been on anyone's radar. Itzik Ben-Gan has been begging for DISTINCT in the windowed aggregates for years now... If they won't listen to him, I'm not sure we have much hope... :crying:

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