Weird exception raised by server

  • SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats(null,null,null,null)

    raises this on my screen

    Location: qxcntxt.cpp:956

    Expression: !"No exceptions should be raised by this code"

    SPID: 287

    Process ID: 4040

    Msg 21, Level 20, State 1, Line 1

    Warning: Fatal error 1203 occurred at Feb 23 2011 10:59AM. Note the error and time, and contact your system administrator.

    Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0

    A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

    my login is not sysadmin but has VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server at hand.

    is this a sign of some db corruption?

    Thiago Dantas

  • As this returns information across all your databases, are all of your databases online?

    Also, what build are you on?

  • This error occurs when a Microsoft SQL Server finds a problem with a statement issued by the current process. This could be because of many reasons like :

    •File level corruption

    •Statement tried to access a corrupted page

    •Current statement tried to find record on missing or corrupted page/record/file/index

    •Statement tried to access a corrupted table / index

    The Root cause of the issue can be found by looking at specific fatal error number, which was returned initially in error message

    Action Required to resolve this Error:

    Action Required is 100% dependent on the fatal error number but most of the time, you need to check database consistency to confirm there is no corruption in the database by running statement


    If the index is corrupted, rebuild the index

  • dant12 (2/23/2011)

    qxcntxt.cpp:956 "No exceptions should be raised by this code"

    As far as I can tell, this bug was fixed in SP2 for SQL Server 2005. Which version are you running?

  • product version is 9.00.3080, so SP2 has been applied

    another weird thing is it lists a database with ID 33, there is no such in sys.databases (last one being 32)

    after 44 records on this db 33 it throws the exception

    to clarify on the setup.

    there are 32 databases created, including system ones. replication is being used so there is a Distribution database.

    i have the DATAREADER role in 6 of those DBs and the VIEW SERVER STATE permission on the server, this is also a windows authentication login. everything else is default. also, this is a QA rig

    this error is not exactly a deal breaker for me, but I just find it curious.

    Thiago Dantas

  • Might be wrong about SP2, consider moving up to a fully supported version like SP4.

    Odd about the database thing - have you run a CHECKDB recently?

  • Taking SQLKiwi's suggestion a little further, a CHECKDB on master could be a good idea. Or a restore of master (backing up your current one first of course).

    You can restore master to another database so you can check on your backups of master which is the latest one without the errant sys.databases entry.

    Of course, this depends on whether you have backups of master.

    You said that this is a QA rig. I guess a re-install is an option. Then you could attach all your databases. Your hardest part will be re-assigning all your user permissions but that should be easily overcome.

    The fact that it is a QA rig might also account for the problem in sys.databases - if you have frequent changes to which databases are on a machine, one person could have done something very wrong to leave you in this state. (This is a wild guess.)

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