weird issues with dtsexec.exe (32bit) on 64bit server after Windows 2008 R2 SP1 install

  • Hi there,

    I am having this issue on my 64-bit SQL Server after installing Windows 2008 R2 SP1 and on my 64-bitclient after installing Windows 7 SP1......

    When I run my package that imports data using an ODBC connection to my SQL Server. The package works but brings in a blank table with no data in it. No errors are given because it is working as such but the data is blank or Null. On another it is populating one of the fields but the rest of the data is blank.....

    When you view the table it shows that there are a number of rows in the table but they are all blank..... ?

    The same thing is happening on my 64bit Server, 2005 SP3 and my Windows 7 64bit.

    I have tried uninstalling all updates and tested the uninstall of the SP1 on my client. My package works once the SP1 was uninstalled from my client.

    I have re-installed all updates and reinstalled the SP1 thinking that was the issue.... no errors.

    I have also tried re-registering the dtsexe dll using %windir%\syswow64\regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\dts\binn\dts.dll"

    but this has not worked either. I have service packed my client to the hilt now also........ still no luck.

    I have also uninstalled SQL client tools and reinstalled them....... still no luck.

    Yes, I could just uninstall SP1 but would like to get a resolution so we can keep it there.

    Any thoughts would be gratefully appreciated.


    Angie :w00t:

  • What happens if you change the ODBC connection to SQL Server to an OLE DB connection?

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  • Hi there, thanks for the reply.

    I cannot use ole db connection as I use a dsn to connect to an informix driver.

    I have found it to me the SP1 for Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 as when I uninstall it works.

    I will have to uninstall for the moment off the server and my workstation until we can fix.



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