What’s In Your (Junk) Drawers?

  • Hi everyone, my name is Nicole and I am a code magpie. There, I have admitted I have a problem but I am sure that the code will come in handy some time... well maybe not code for Access 97. OK, perhaps I do need to clean up a little! At least I only have one junk drawer in the kitchen! Oh, wait I have numerous drawers in my bedroom and ... Oh well perhaps October really is the month of garbage collection. Lucky we (Australians) have a long weekend this weekend! Yippee!


    Nicole Bowman

    Nothing is forever.

  • PASS: The big name thing we tell our bosses we're going to for our hidden agendas... Code Magpie's Anonymous. Remember, meetings are at 8, 10, and 12, both days.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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  • Nicole Bowman (9/29/2011)

    Hi everyone, my name is Nicole and I am a code magpie. There, I have admitted I have a problem but I am sure that the code will come in handy some time... well maybe not code for Access 97. OK, perhaps I do need to clean up a little! At least I only have one junk drawer in the kitchen! Oh, wait I have numerous drawers in my bedroom and ... Oh well perhaps October really is the month of garbage collection. Lucky we (Australians) have a long weekend this weekend! Yippee!


    With you there, Nicole! As an Aussie, you would know a few of us have Sheds. For the uninitiated, these are large devices designed to contain the tsunami of stuff, with a roof to keep off the rain. Mine is approx 4mx2mx2.5m, and chokkers, even after a recent clean-out. Not a good enough place to store all those CDs with old code (Access 97 included, dBase3, clipper, an install disks for NT4, SQL server 7 and the like...), those are inside in a cupboard. And this Labour day, I have no intention of exploring either.

    Ever heard that nice explanation about Junk and Stuff?

    Stuff is junk that you can't throw out, junk is stuff that you can.

  • Junk drawer(s), junk box(es), junk shed(s), junk garage(s), junk storage unit(s), junk house(s)...

    There's therapy for this, right? And a TV show... :hehe:

    Here there be dragons...,

    Steph Brown

  • Stephanie J Brown (9/29/2011)

    There's therapy for this, right?

    You're probably right. But what hope is there for code magpies when there are such enablers as 1TB external hard drives?:ermm:


  • ChrisP-374390 (9/29/2011)

    You're probably right. But what hope is there for code magpies when there are such enablers as 1TB external hard drives?:ermm:

    My "code magpie" tendencies are limited by my obsession with always having backups of everything--so a 1Tb external drive would be fine, but I'd need another one to keep a copy of what's on the first one!

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