What DB are maped to what login?

  • I need to see what databases are associated to each local SQL login. I am not sure where this information is stored? sys.sql_logins only lists the defaul database

    Thanks for your help


  • Logins aren't mapped to databases. Logins are mapped to users, which are in each database.

    You need to scan the users in each database and relate those back to the login.

  • Thank you for the clarification.

    what I actually need is to write 1 query that will list what databases were selected under user Mapping when the login was created...

    I know I can see them, but I am not sure who to quey for those

  • Don't have SQL 2K5 on hand or the BOL but in 200 you could do this





    dbo.sysusers SU


    master.dbo.syslogins SL


    SU.Sid = SL.SID

    might be sys.user and sys.logins but you will need to find the couterpart. Also, probably something easier builtin.

  • Thank you so much!

  • I believe logins can be mapped to the DB, but, it is the DB / security / users that has the user mapping / securables. At that point you may deploy or use the database or application roles...

    I could be wrong, elaboration anyone??

    [see : server/security/logins/ pick one user get the properties and check the user mappings]

    John Esraelo

  • jahanz2003 (11/30/2007)

    I believe logins can be mapped to the DB, but, it is the DB / security / users that has the user mapping / securables. At that point you may deploy or use the database or application roles...

    I could be wrong, elaboration anyone??

    [see : server/security/logins/ pick one user get the properties and check the user mappings]

    Not sure I understood you here, but this is what I thought you were asking.

    Logins are mapped to the server, some server roles at the server level provide universally across the databases such as Server Administration. Or a user can be mapped for access to a Database, where the datbase can control object access (barring not overridden by a server role). The access can be controled either directly to the user or to a role in which the user is assigned. At the database level most restrictive permissions apply when evaluating GRANT or DENY, so if a person has permissions themselves with GRANT and they are in a role where the same object has DENY then DENY is the outcome. Now as for mapping of users the name within the database is a User Alias that is mapped back to a server login (SQL Auth or Windows Auth) and not neccessarily the actual user name. In effect I can create a SQL login account Antares686 and grant access to a database but instead there use an alias of James (my real name BTW) but most people just opt to have the alias the same as the login.

    Hope that all made sense, answered your question and wasn't too cludged to read.

  • Here are some statments for SQL Server 2005.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DatabaseUsers') is not null drop table #DatabaseUsers

    create table #DatabaseUsers

    (DatabaseName sysname not null

    ,DatabaseUserName sysname not null

    ,LoginName sysname null


    -- sys.database_principals.type is S = SQL user, U = Windows user, G = Windows group

    exec master.dbo.sp_MSforeachdb

    @replacechar = N'?'

    , @command1 =

    'insert into #DatabaseUsers


    select ''?''

    , DatabaseUsers.name as DatabaseUserName

    , suser_sname( DatabaseUsers.SID) as LoginName

    from [?].sys.database_principals as DatabaseUsers

    where DatabaseUsers.type in (''S'',''G'',''U'')'

    select * from #DatabaseUsers

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Awesome. Thank you so much

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