What does this message in Error Log means?

  • Hi All,

    In one of servers, following message is logged:

    "Analysis of database 'X' (14) is 100% complete (approximately 0 more seconds)."

    Please help in understanding it better.

  • Hi All,


    SQL SERVER 2000 EE with SP4 is installed on server.

    This database is of size 9.7 GB and with log file of size 2.8 GB.

    This message was logged when server was restarted. The Database X looks like to be working fine. But on searching about it on net, this message is linked to Suspect db. Does it show this db is having some problem? Please suggest.

  • Hi,

    This is just SQL checking the db at start up for transactions that need rolling back or forward etc. It should do this for each db on the instance. If you are unsure about the integrity of your db then run a dbcc CHECKDB command against the database (this check should be run regularly).

    Hope this makes sense.

  • Thanks Mr T-SQL for the response.

    I will definitely run DBCC CHECKDB and check the integrity of this database at night.



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