What domain rights does the sql server Service acount have to have ?

  • I'm having one of those days....me and the Sys admins are not on the same page.  Anyway,  what I would like to know is,  is there any reason that the domain service account that I use to start my SQL servers needs to be a domain admin ? 

    I really don't think so, but I would love to have some help researching this.  If you have any ideas,  I would really find it helpful.


    Steve B.

  • ..domain admin ? No reason at all !

    It doesn't even have to be local admin on the box ! The one installing sqlserver needs to be member of the local admins windows group at install time.

    If you want sqlserver or sqlagent to do e.g. a copy to a remote location, it needs rights at that remote location to be able to do the operation.

    So, like mentioned on top, there's no reason to be domain admin ! IT IS A WORST PRACTISE !


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  • Thanks for the reply.  What about the creation of the SPN at install time..  I suppose that can be taken care of by installing the SQL Server under a local system account, and then changing it to the domain service account when that's done ?

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