What is the advantage of telecommute?

  • My office wants us to start telecommuting several days a week because they want to hire more workers but don't have enough office space. Most managers want their team in the office at least one day a week. Management wants us to "desk share". Non-management personnel would share a desk with someone who works in the office on alternate days. Feelings are mixed. Currently, telecommuting is optional but if they don't get enough takers they have said they would require telecommuting. There are people who would quit rather than telecommute. I live in an area affected by Hurricane Katrina. We were forced to telecommute for 9 months after the storm, while our flood-damaged buildings were being repaired. I was very glad to get back into the office.

    Of those who telecommute "part-time", do you also desk share?

    What provision, if any, does you company make for your home office. My organization will not provide any phone or internet service for your home office. They provide a laptop but not a printer. They stated that we are on our own with the IRS if we want to take a tax deduction for the home office space.

    Do you use any collaboration software, net meeting, remote desktop?

    I am interested in how other companies handle this issue.


    To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. C. is
    Edgar Allan Poe
    [Discussing fellow writers Cornelius Mathews and William Ellery Channing.]

  • Terri, you might want to start a new thread on this as it's an interesting discussion.

    Or if you'd like to write an article on your experiences after Katrina, I'd help you publish it and I think people would be interested.

    I have desk shared, it's a pain at times. However if you make it hot-desking in that everyone gets a new desk everyday instead of 2 or 3 people sharing one desk, it works better. You have less ownershuo.

    For tools, some desktop sharing is nice as is regular scheduled calls. It might even make sense to every 2-3 weeks, schedule everyone in the office for 1/2 day to work and be social.

  • Steve,

    How do I start a new thread? I have only posted replies.


    To speak algebraically, Mr. M. is execrable, but Mr. C. is
    Edgar Allan Poe
    [Discussing fellow writers Cornelius Mathews and William Ellery Channing.]

  • I'd actually go to the EMployers and Employees forum (http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Forum334-1.aspx) and then there's a "Add Topic" button there at the top that you can use to start a new thread.

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